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Lista de Quests

A localização de todas as quests podem ser encontradas no mapa.

Weapon Quest

Itens Nome Level
Weapon Quest 1 35+
Weapon Quest 2 60+
Weapon Quest 3 75+

City Quest

Itens Nome Level Mínimo
Rookgaard City Quest 30+
Sinic City Quest 50+
Volone City Quest 75+
Savana City Quest 100+
Dromahaa City Quest 150+
Rustock City Quest 200+
Monster City Quest 300+
Creature of the Day Boss of the Day Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Medieval Nonpvplove
Level: 100 / Royal Paladin
Level: 65 / Royal Paladin
Bruce Wayne
Level: 47 / Elite Knight
Level: 35 / Druid
Level: 34 / Knight
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